(8)学术骨干参与澳大利亚科学研究基金(Australian Research Council)“压力波对地震和断层形成机理的影响研究”(ARC DP170104550);
(9)学术骨干参与澳大利亚科学研究基金会DP项目(Australian Research Council)“页岩气储层形成过程中的多物理场不稳定性研究”(ARC DP170104557);
(1)Xu Yu; Aikun Chen; Cheng Zhai; Lei Hong; Cheng Zhai; Klaus Regenauer-Lieb; Shuxun Sang; Jizhao Xu; Yu Jing; Experimental investigation of the effects of long-period cyclic pulse loading of pulsating hydraulic fracturing on coal damage, Fuel, 2024.春季, 358: 129907. (SCI检索,一区)
(2)Xu Yu; Hexiang Xu; Cheng Zhai; Klaus Regenauer-Lieb; Shuxun Sang; Yong Sun; Yu Jing; Characterization of water migration behavior during spontaneous imbibition in coal: From the perspective of fractal theory and NMR, Fuel, 2024, 355: 129499. (SCI检索,一区)
(3)余旭, 石克龙,王宇等.燃爆载荷冲击下五峰—龙马溪组页岩断裂韧性及破坏模式[J].煤炭学报, 2023,48(12):4322-4335.DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.ZC23.1167.
(5)Xu Yu; Cheng Zhai; Yu Jing; Shuxun Sang; Yu Wang; Klaus Regenauer-Lieb; Yong Sun; Investigation of the temperature dependence of the chemical-mechanical properties of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale, ACS Omega, 2022, 7: 44689-44697. (SCI检索,一区)
(6)Xu Yu; Klaus Regenauer-Lieb; Fang-Bao Tian; Effects of surface roughness and derivation of scaling laws on gas transport in coal using a fractal-based lattice Boltzmann method, Fuel, 2019, 259: 116229. (SCI检索,一区)
(7)Xu Yu; Lincheng Xu; Klaus Regenauer-Lieb; Yu Jing; Fang-Bao Tian; Modeling the effects of gas slippage, cleat network topology and scale dependence of gas transport in coal seam gas reservoirs, Fuel, 2019, 264: 116715. (SCI检索,一区)
(8)Xu Yu, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, and Fang-Bao Tian. "A hybrid immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann/finite difference method for coupled dynamics of fluid flow, advection, diffusion and adsorption in fractured and porous media." Computers & Geosciences 128 (2019): 70-78. (SCI检索,2区)
(9)Lincheng Xu, Xu Yu(通讯作者), and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb. "An immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method for gaseous slip flow." Physics of Fluids 32, 012002 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5126392. (SCI检索,2区)
4.2 授权发明专利(部分):
(1)余旭; 郑仰峰; 方亚杰等; 一种高瓦斯低洼孤岛工作面煤层采前多灾害联合防治方法, 2021-12-21, 中国, ZL202110459430.X
(2)余旭; 郑仰峰; 翟成等; 一种脉动CO2泡沫压裂及评价模拟一体化试验装置及方法, 2022-9-2, 中国, ZL202110804091.4
(3)余旭; 陈爱坤; 翟成等; 一种不可采煤层强化煤层气开采及CO2封存的方法, 2024-2-23, 中国, ZL 202211331912.8
4.3 学术会议:
(1)Investigation of Water/Gas Migration Behaviour in Coal. In: 6th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MINE SAFETY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, 18-20 Aug., 2023, Harbin, China.
(2)煤体多尺度孔隙气水运移过程的定量表征及数值模拟研究(Multiscale Mechanisms of Water/Gas Migration Behaviour in Coal),第二届煤矿瓦斯防治与利用国际青年学术会议,3-5,Nov. 2023, 中国 江苏 徐州。
(3)Investigation of effects of surface roughness on coal seam gas transport using a fractal-based lattice Boltzmann method. in: AEGC: Data to discovery, Australia Exploration Geoscience Conference; 2-5 Sep. 2019; Perth.
(4)A dynamic simulator for gas diffusion and surface adsorption-desorption in fractured coal. in: InterPore 11th Annual Meeting; May 6-10, 2019; Polytechnic University of Valencia.
(5)A hybrid immersed boundary method-lattice Boltzmann (IB-LB) method /finite difference (FD) method for modeling coal seam gas (CSG) transport [Abstract & Poster]. in: Fluid-Solid interactions (FSI) Workshop, May 7-9, 2018; UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defense Force Academy.
(2)在Energy, Physics of Fluids、Fuel、Computers & Geosciences、煤炭学报等国内外高水平期刊共发表学术论文20余篇,授权发明专利10余项;
(3)兼任Energy, Fuel, Energy & Fuel等国际高水平期刊的审稿专家。
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